Youth Calendar
Please join us on Facebook and Remind! Facebook: Zion Lutheran Church Sunday School – TRF Remind: Text the following message to 81010 to be added to our Remind notices – @ziontrfss
FLAPJACKS FOR FAITH— Sign up sheet on Youth office door for upcoming months. Funds raised for youth IFA’s. Parents/ adults are needed to help prepare food with their youth who sign up to work these events.
IFA -(Individual Family Accounts) students of any age can start adding funds to their account. These funds can be used for church sponsored events.
All Middle School Students– You are invited to join us every Sunday up in the Youth Room at 9:30 am. We will have a fun time of fellowship as we grow in our love and learn about Jesus!
2022 God’s Creation Wall Calendars
2022 God’s creation Calendars are now available for $8.00. Cards/notepads available also.
If you would like to sell these on Sunday mornings (to earn $ for your IFA) see Kami.
All Middle School Students– You are invited to join us every Sunday up in the Youth Room at 9:30 am. We will have a fun time of fellowship as we grow in our love and learn about Jesus!
The goals of these events are to get to know the brothers and sisters in Christ through community, fellowship, the Word and activities! These youth groups are open to those from both congregations!
If you have any questions about Sunday school or our Events please let Becky (218-686-5563) or Davina (218-689-4965) know. You can also email us at
NOTE—If you are new to our Sunday School or Youth Activities, please inform the church office of your children’s names, grades, contact phone number and mailing address so we can keep you informed of upcoming events by calling Zion Lutheran Church 218-681-3296.