Sunday School

Little Lambs-5th Grade Sunday School Registration

Facebook page, in the Remind App, through email, and snail mail!
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to Zion’s Sunday School
Superintendent: Amber Holtan

Welcome to Sunday School!
Ages: Little Lambs (3 year olds) – 8th grade

Sunday School is from 10am – 11am every Sunday

(September – May)
Music: Laura Rude with Laura Fay assisting

 All Middle School StudentsYou are invited to join us every Sunday up in the Youth Room  at 9:30 am. We will have a fun time of fellowship as we grow in our love and learn about Jesus!



Zion 681-3296

 Church Family:

Our Sunday School program is in need of some supplies if anyone would like to make a donation:
*   Clorox wipes
*   Dixie cups
*   Kleenex
*  Hand sanitizer
*   Masking Tape (wide width)
*   Clear Shipping/Packaging Tape

Please Like Us on Facebook!
Facebook: Zion Lutheran Church Sunday School – TRF 


Add us on Remind!!